10 Jun

How often have you cancelled your vacation plans because you can't leave your pet at home when you took flights to Austin from UK? There may also have been times when you haven't been able to enjoy your vacation, thanks to constant anxiety about the well-being of your pet, back at home.

At the onset, you have to reconsider; if the potential risks are worth it before traveling with your pets, unless absolutely necessary.

Here's everything you need to know about flying on flights to Boston from UK & elsewhere with a pet, from how to book the flight, to what kind of paperwork is required.

Travelling may be a stressful experience for your pets because they will be removed from their familiar surroundings & comforts. So it is wise to keep pets such as birds, cats and dogs with a friend or in a boarding kennel/catteries. Else hire a pet-sitter.

#Let us know the details about carrying pets on a flight:

  • In cabin or cargo: If the size of your pet is too big to be carried in a carrier under the seat in front of you, then it will have to travel in the cargo with luggage and freight on flights to New York from UK.
  • Crate or carrier specified by the airlines : Irrespective of wherever the pet is in the flight, your crate needs to be durable and have plenty of ventilation, strong handles, a leak-proof bottom, and airlines specific.
  • It costs a little: Make reservations for them in advance. There could be a limit on the total no. of pets on a flight.
  • Choose your flights wisely: Choose non-stop flights to Minneapolis from UK (say) and avoid rush days.
  • Know about the airlines regulations in advance to avoid last minute hassles.
  • Follow some of these rules at the airport: Reach the airport early. 2. If you’re checking-in the pet, make sure you click a photo to avoid confusions. 3. Pick your pet immediately after arrival.
  • You should ideally ensure that it isn’t a nuisance to the fellow passengers by indulging it with some toys or chewies.

#If you’re opting for train travel, the regulations are more or less, the same.

#If you take your pet with you in a car, the safest way is to keep the crate with your pet anchored to your car using a seat belt or other means on the back-seat. Give your pet; plenty of stoppages for food or just a stretch out.

Some general advice for pets to travel are:

Be careful to keep it on a leash, no matter what!

Health check-ups are absolutely necessary for pets whatever mode you choose to travel. Head to the vet and get a health certificate stating it is healthy enough to travel and up-to-date on its immunizations once your pet has its ticket (in case of trains or flights).

Also make sure the climate they are traveling to will suit them. Check the quarantine rules of your destination too.

Prepare your dog beforehand. You should always consult with your vet about food, water, and medication before flying with your pet.

Also familiarise your dog with the carrier you will keep it in; beforehand.

Before booking your hotel, find out which of them will accommodate pets. Whether your pet is travelling by car, train or air and even staying in the best of hotels, it doesn't relieve you of the responsibilities that one has, as an owner. One is required to maintain caution about his or her pet's health and comfort all throughout the sojourn.

Though the journey can be complicated, you'll breathe easier once you've both arrived safe and sound.

Source: https://white-magic-travel.my-free.website/blog/post/1880550/inseparable-with-your-pets-here-s-how-to-travel-with-your-pets

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